Principal Investigator

Post Pic

Ranajeet Ghose


PhD (Yale University)

(212) 650-6049

Senior Research Staff

Post PicAndrea Piserchio

Senior Research Scientist

PhD (Brown University)

(212) 650-5326

Post PicSébastien Alphonse

Senior Research Associate

PhD (AFMB-CNRS, Marseille)

(212) 650-5326

Post-baccalaureate Students

Post Pic

Darren Zheng

BS (City College of New York)

NSF RaMP Fellow


Huanhuan Shi, Postdoctoral Fellow | Current Position: Faculty, Guangxi Medical University
Armando del Rio, Postdoctoral Fellow | Current Position: Reader, Imperial College of London
Venkatesh Ramakrishnan, Postdoctoral Fellow | Current Position: NMR Chemist, USDA
Ertan Eryilmaz, PhD Student | Current Position: Director, Protein Engineering, Xilio Therapeutics
Aswin Natarajan, PhD Student | Current Position: Instructor, NYU School of Medicine
Deniz Temel, PhD Student | Current Position: Associate Scientific Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Zhen Ren, PhD Student | Current Position: Instructor, John T. Milliken Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine
Benjamin Reed, PhD Student | Current Position: Senior Analytical Chemist, 3M
Nathan Will, PhD Student | Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Rockefeller University
Kwangwoon Lee, PhD Student | Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Harvard Medical School
Fatlum Hajredini, PhD Student | Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, UCSF
Eduardo Cruz, Research Assistant | Current Position: Faculty, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Matthew Nicholas, Post-baccalaureate Student (jointly with NYSBC) | Current Position: Opthalmologist, Hartford Hospital
Janet Diaz, Undergraduate Student | Current Position:
Aditi Anand, Undergraduate Student | | Current Position: Healthcare Administrator, Pennsylvania Department of Health
Anna Kazatskaya, Undergraduate Student | Current Position: Scientist, Stoke Therapeutics
Alejandro Cruz, Undergraduate Student | Current Position: Pediatric Medicine Research Associate, Columbia University
Lucy Chou Zheng, C-SURP summer student | Current Position: PhD student, UIUC
Isaac Snyder, C-SURP Summer Student | Current Position: Resident, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
Jooyoung Shin, Undergraduate Student | Current Position: Associate Consultant, Veeva Systems
Kristina Ilyovska, Undergraduate Student | Current Position:
Jiale Chen, Undergraduate Student | Current Position:
Darby Jahn, B3 REU Student | Current Position: Junior, Oberlin College